Book Length Works
- Terri Senft and Nancy Baym co-edited a special section of the International Journal of Communication called Studying Selfies. It is chock-full of amazing contributions, but the introduction by Senft & Baym is a must-read guide to academic studies of selfies. [Open Access]
- Full Table of Contents [in alphabetical order by author]:
- Albury, Kath. “Selfies, Sexts and Sneaky Hats: Young People’s Understandings of Gendered Practices of Self-Representation” [PDF]
- Baishya, Anirban. “#NaMo: The Political Work of the Selfie in the 2014 Indian General Elections.” [PDF]
- Bellinger, Matthew. “Bae Caught Me Tweetin’: On the Representational Stance of the Selfie.” [PDF]
- Boon, Sonja & Pentney, Beth. “Virtual Lactivism: Breastfeeding Selfies and the Performance of Motherhood.” [PDF]
- Brager, Jenna. “The Selfie and the Other: Consuming Viral Tragedy and Social Media (After)lives.” [PDF]
- Burns, Anne. “Self(ie)-Discipline: Social Regulation as Enacted Through the Discussion of Photographic Practice” [PDF]
- Deller, Ruth A. & Tilton, Shane. “Selfies as Charitable Meme: Charity and National Identity in the #nomakeupselfie and #thumbsupforstephen Campaigns” [PDF]
- Frosh, Paul, “The Gestural Image: The Selfie, Photography Theory, and Kinesthetic Sociability” [PDF]
- Hess, Aaron, “The Selfie Assemblage” [PDF]
- Katz, James E. & Crocker, Elizabeth Thomas. “Selfies and Photo Messaging as Visual Conversation: Reports from the United States, United Kingdom and China” [PDF]
- Koliska, M. and Roberts, J. “Selfies: Witnessing and Participatory Journalism with a Point of View.” [PDF]
- Lobinger, Katharina & Brantner, Cornelia. “In the Eye of the Beholder: Subjective Views on the Authenticity of Selfies.” [PDF]
- Losh, Elizabeth. “Feminism Reads Big Data: ‘Social Physics,’ Atomism, and Selfiecity” [PDF]
- Meese, James, Gibbs, Martin, Carter, Marcus, Arnold, Michael, Nansen, Bjorn & Kohn, Tamara. “Selfies at Funerals: Mourning and Presencing on Social Media Platforms” [PDF]
- Miltner, Kate M. & Baym, Nancy. “The Selfie of the Year of the Selfie: Reflections on a Media Scandal.” [PDF]
- Nemer, David & Freeman, Guo. “Empowering the Marginalized: Rethinking Selfies in the Slums of Brazil.” [PDF]
- Tiidenberg, Katrin. “Odes to Heteronormativity: Presentations of Femininity in Russian-Speaking Pregnant Women’s Instagram Accounts.” [PDF]
- Williams, Apryl A. & Marquez, Beatriz Aldana. “The Lonely Selfie King: Selfies and the Conspicuous Prosumption of Gender and Race.” [PDF]
- Jill Walker Rettberg has a new book on digital self-representations that includes material on selfie culture: Seeing Ourselves through Technology: How We Use Selfies, Blogs and Wearable Devices to See and Shape Ourselves Download for free or buy in print! (Palgrave, October 2014)
- Kathleen Cumiskey and Larissa Hjorth have a new book to be published this year: Mobile Media and Loss. This includes exploration of selfies used in and around trauma and loss, such as “selfies-as-eulogies” in the case of South Korean Sewol disaster (Oxford University Press, 2016)
Peer-Reviewed Academic Journal Articles
- Albury, Kath and Byron, Paul. (2014). Queering sexting and sexualisation. Media International Australia, Incorporating Culture & Policy, No. 153, Nov 2014: 138-147. Availability: <;dn…> ISSN: 1329-878X. [abstract only]
- Coladonato, V. (2014) “Power, Gender and the Selfie. The cases of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Pope Francis”, in Comunicazioni Sociali. Journal of Media, Performing Arts and Cultural Studies 2014(3), Special issue on “(En)gendered creativity. Actors Agencies Artifacts”, edited by Alice Cati, Mariagrazia Fanchi, Rosanna Maule. [Paywall]
- Highfield, T., & Leaver, T. (2015). A methodology for mapping Instagram hashtags. First Monday, 20(1). [Open Access]
- Marwick, A. (2015). “Instafame: Luxury Selfies in the Attention Economy.” Public Culture 27(1): 137-160. [Open Access for now]
- Tiidenberg, Katrin (2015). Boundaries and conflict in a NSFW community on tumblr –the meanings and uses of selfies. New Media and Society, 1 – 16. [Paywall]
- Tiidenberg, Katrin Gómez-Cruz, Edgar (2015, forthcoming). Selfies, Image and the Re-making of the Body. Body and Society.
- Warfield, K (2015, forthcoming) “Digital Subjectivities in the Selfie: The Model, the Self-Conscious Thespian and the #realme.” International Journal on the Image. 5(5), x.
Academic Book Chapters
- Abidin, C. (2014) “#In$tagLam: Instagram as a repository of taste, a brimming marketplace, a war of eyeballs” in Mobile Media Making in the Age of Smartphones , Marsha Berry and Max Schleser (eds), Palgrave Pivot. pp.119-128. [Chapter | Book]
- Albury, K (2015) “Sexting, selfies and schooling: technologies, sexualities and relationships in educational spaces” in K Browne and G Brown, eds, Ashgate Research Companion to Geographies of Sex and Sexualities, London: Ashgate
- Allaste Airi-Alina, Tiidenberg Katrin (2015). “Sexy Selfies of the Transitioning Self.” Woodman, Dan; Bennett, Andy (Eds.). Youth Cultures, Belonging and Transitions: Bridging the Gap to Youth Research. Palgrave Macmillan [Book Information]
- Hjorth, L. and Moon, J. (2017). “Visual afterlife” in Selfie Citizenship, Adi Kunstman (ed), Palgrave.
- Hjorth, L. and d’Amazing K. (2017). “Queering the snapshot: Ambient mobile play” in Queer Game Studies: Gender, Sexuality. and a Queer Approach to Game Studies, University of Minnesota Press.
- Tiidenberg, K. (2015) “Great faith in surfaces: visual narrative analysis of selfies.” In Allaste A.A and Tiidenberg K (Eds). In Search of … New Methodological Approaches to Youth Research. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Warfield, K and Whittington-Walsh (2015) Stitch the Bitch: #girls#socialmedia#body#human. In N. Mandell and J. Johnson (eds) Feminist Issues: Race, Class, and Sexuality. Toronto: Pearson Canada.
Research Projects
- – a project of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Uses mixed methods to understand selfies as a mode of self-representation, identity, and the ability to express ourselves with stories. [ES]
- Ulla Patricia Autenrieth (2014). Die Bilderwelten der Social Network Sites: Bildzentrierte Darstellungsstrategien, Freundschaftskommunikation und Handlungsorientierungen von Jugendlichen auf Facebook und Co. [ link]